Watermark Image is a powerful and flexible batch watermarking utility to protect and copyright large collections of images in an effective and simple way. It allows you to add text, image, and effect watermarks, and customize them to the last detail. Besides, it comes with some basic though very useful editing functions, such as the possibility of resizing, rotating, and converting your images into a different format in one single operation.
The program’s interface is attractive, and has been designed to help you watermark all your images in three simple steps – select the images, configure and design your watermark, and save all watermarked pictures in the format of your choice. The simplicity of the entire process crashes with the complexity of the layout of certain tabs. As an example, the watermark configuration tab offers you a wide range of features for you to customize the appearance, the location or the transparency of the selected text, image or effect, and all these elements appear to be scattered all around the program’s window, without any apparent or logical order.
The functionality provided is of a very high level, though. Unlike many other similar watermarking tools that merely allow you to add a text or an image to your photographs, Watermark Image lets you define the angle, border, chisel, and embossing of the text, and add it to the EXIF information of each photograph automatically. You can customize the font, add symbols, counters and counter tags, apply various levels of transparency, etc. The possibilities are endless. In the “output” tab you can also add some editing to the watermarking process. Thus, it can not only add a text or an image to your photos, but also rotate, resize, and convert them into JPGE, BMP, TIFF, PNG, or GIF (among others) all at once.
The results are excellent, and they compensate generously for any inconvenience caused by the program’s somehow complex layout.